Timely stimulation


Our timely stimulation program "Baby Bambolino" is designed so that babies develop in the psychomotor, cognitive, affective-social and sensory areas. The baby, with the support of his mother:
  • Strengthen your body.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • It generates aptitudes for social coexistence, functioning with autonomy and improving their learning capacity.
It consists of five different stages for babies from 1 month to 18 months:

Stage 1

1 to 3 months

Stage 2

3 to 6 months

Stage 3

6 to 9 months

Stage 4

9 to 12 months

Stage 5

12 to 18 months


The program is based on our educational and pedagogical model and uses the personalization of learning that favors timely development, respecting the rhythms and learning paths, thus favoring and strengthening each stage of the baby's growth.

It will be complemented with psychological support for families and guidance from a specialist. The mother-child bond is strengthened and healthy parenting styles that promote family well-being are taught in a practical way.


We have spaces created especially for our youngest students. They are sensory spaces designed for stimulation with various materials and different tools that help to promote the maximum possible comprehensive development.



socio-emotional education

We look for children to begin the development of socio-emotional skills such as:

- Prosociability: It is achieved through play. We seek that students develop social skills and create a positive environment with their peers.

- Motivation: Beyond giving a prize or reward, we encourage them to feel motivated by the satisfaction generated by completing a task or achievement.

- Self-knowledge: Through activities, we encourage students to identify and name their emotions and those of others, to express them assertively.
At all our educational levels we promote the second language as much more than just a subject. The main advantage of our bilingual system is the academic approach that is given to learning the language progressively:

In preschool, the student learns English as they do with their mother tongue, naturally by listening to it daily through songs, games and stories.


At all our educational levels we seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.

Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math ), we encourage students to see it:

- As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
- As a means to develop digital skills.
- To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.

We seek that all students develop their maximum potential and that they are creators and not only consumers of technology.

Technology and robotics

Our COBU virtues program (good heart) develops strategies and tools that facilitate the socio-emotional education and human formation of the student. Positive environments are promoted that through these strategies arouse the dynamism of virtues.

Thus, the student learns naturally and actively participates: observes his environment, identifies needs, investigates and solves problems by putting what he has learned into practice.

Values and Virtues

Art, culture and sports

From the constant approach to art and culture that is available at all school levels, students develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills.

Through the sports program of our model, preschool students recognize and identify their body through the game environment, their abilities and motor skills, which allow them to distinguish their body expression showing interest and respect for their peers to promote a healthy coexistence.
Admissions Information

Learning methodologies

The game, problem-based learning, projects, experimentation and learning environments are the methodologies that allow the child to be the protagonist of the learning and teaching process, where through individual or cooperative work, he achieves the construction and putting knowledge, skills and attitudes into practice to develop life skills.
Admissions Information


socio-emotional education

Socio-emotional education contributes to the integral formation of the person to create the best version of himself and to be able to generate personal and social well-being.

In primary school, students work on knowing their emotions and those of others, developing strategies to manage them, express them and detect them in themselves and in others, in order to ensure their personal well-being and that of others.
At all our educational levels we promote the second language as much more than just a subject. The main advantage of our bilingual system is the academic approach that is given to learning the language progressively:

In primary, our students increase their cognitive development of the second language and academic performance. In other words, they expand their vocabulary and learn the correct use of English, beyond the functional, at a high level. which they evaluate and certify with various standardized tests.


At all our educational levels we seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.

Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math ), we encourage students to see it:

- As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
- As a means to develop digital skills.
- To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.

We seek that all students develop their maximum potential and that they are creators and not only consumers of technology.

Technology and robotics

With our NET virtues program, strategies and tools are developed that facilitate socio-emotional education and human formation in students. Positive environments are promoted that through these strategies arouse the dynamism of virtues.

The good is shown with concrete examples so that the student recognizes the benefits and is freely motivated to carry them out. A firm discipline is promoted, and kind at the same time, taking into account the need for identity and belonging.

Values and Virtues

Art, culture and sports

From the constant approach to art and culture, students develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills.

In addition to incorporating art and culture in various subjects, students put their skills and talents into practice and demonstrate their ability in academies and various artistic and cultural competitions.

With our physical education classes and academies, students participate in physical and sports activities proposing norms, rules and new forms for coexistence in the game, valuing the importance of collaborative work, as well as recognition of equity and interculturality.
Admissions Information

Learning methodologies

Active methodologies are used that encourage student participation, challenging them with challenges related to their context or interests and that allow them to develop their cognitive and mental abilities, maintaining their motivation and developing their curiosity and passion for learning through collaboration.

Middle school

Socio-emotional education

In secondary school, all members of the educational community work in partnership with parents to achieve a comprehensive socio-emotional formation, taking into account the characteristics of the student within their context, making pertinent educational-formative interventions. We focus on each of our students learning to value and care for themselves, enhancing the gifts received and reaching out to others, developing a sense of service and social justice.
At all our educational levels we promote the second language much more than a simple subject. The main advantage of our bilingual system is the academic approach that is given to learning the language progressively:

In secondary school, our students expand their vocabulary and learn the correct use of English, beyond the functional level at a high level, which they evaluate and certify with various standardized tests.


At all our educational levels we seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.

Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math ), we encourage students to see it:

- As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
- As a means to develop digital skills.
- To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.

We seek that all students develop their maximum potential and that they are creators and not only consumers of technology.

Technology and robotics

In secondary school, we accompany our students so that they can build an authentic, mature and healthy personality, which allows them to travel, more fully and in accordance with their dignity, the path towards their own self-realization and transcendence.

We promote Christian servant leadership in students so that they can respond to the needs of others as a citizen committed to themselves, their family, their community, and the world.

Values and Virtues

From the constant approach to art and culture, students develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills. In addition to incorporating art and culture in various subjects, students put their skills and talents into practice and demonstrate their ability in academies and various artistic and cultural competitions.

Secondary students practice various physical-sports activities, which respond to preferences and needs that facilitate their comprehensive training, in different contexts where their abilities, becoming aware of their decisions and actions.

Art, culture and sports

In secondary school, the student is increasingly the protagonist of their learning. We respect their rhythms, maturity, development and we seek to give a personal meaning to what they learn, managing to connect with their interests, experiences and needs. In order for it to be achieved, the teacher is a guide and mediator of the process, applying active methodologies, using educational technology tools, and emphasizing interdisciplinary work.

Learning methodologies

High school

socio-emotional education

We ensure that the student makes sense of what he learns when he knows, understands and transforms the environment that surrounds him. We encourage learning to love and choose what is good, choosing virtue freely and responsibly, seeking to be a gift to others.

Learning to live and serve, valuing and caring for oneself, enhancing the gifts received and going out to meet others.
At all our educational levels we promote the second language as much more than just a subject. The main advantage of our bilingual system is the academic approach that is given to learning the language progressively:

In high school, upon graduating, students demonstrate, through standardized tests, an excellent command of the language, obtaining a C1* level, that is, an advanced level in which they are able to express themselves confidently and fluently in complex areas related to study and the job.

*More than 70% of students who graduate from high school obtain this degree.


At all our educational levels we seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.

Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math ), we encourage students to see it:

- As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
- As a means to develop digital skills.
- To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.

We seek that all students develop their maximum potential and that they are creators and not only consumers of technology.

Technology and robotics

Through workshops on personal skills, assertive communication, leadership and transversality in the experience of virtues, we seek to promote that the student, through a work of personal internalization, continue developing and shaping their self-awareness; their self-knowledge and self-determination, thus allowing them to mobilize towards their affective maturity.

Derived from this development, we want the student to be a better person for himself and therefore be able to strengthen and develop his capacity for self-donation (ability to give and serve others), in which he will discover that, in the encounter with the other, will be able to truly transcend and fulfill the vocation to love to which every human being is called.

Values and Virtues

From the constant approach to art and culture, students develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills. In addition to incorporating art and culture in various subjects, students put their skills and talents into practice and demonstrate their ability in academies and various artistic and cultural competitions.

The students carry out sports physical activity that favors their physical and mental development, as well as being aware of the habits of self-care for health, nutrition, rest, values, socialization, safety, respect for rules and the formation of character.

In high school, our students develop optimum performance in physical-sports activities, showing great problem-solving capacity and leadership in decision-making, recognizing the conditions, standards and rules of training and competition.

Art, culture and sports

In high school, each student's learning is personalized with active methodologies that challenge, stimulate and enhance their different abilities, through collaborative work, problem solving, training projects, debates, transversality of disciplines, among others, promoting the best of each one to achieve their goals and positively transform their environment, aware of their personal responsibility and commitment to society.

Learning methodologies

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